Screenshots to xlsx, csv and more 🪄

Tired of manually copying tables? We've got you covered.
Transform screenshots into spreadsheets in one click.

Extract Tables with Ease

Instant table extraction
from screenshots 📸

Transform any visual data into editable tables with just one click.
From web tables to PDFs charts, capture and convert data effortlessly!

Smart Capture & Extract

Easily select any area on your screen and instantly convert it into a table. Simple, fast, and user-friendly.
Intelligent Data Conversion

Analyze and structure data from various visual formats, ensuring accurate tabular extraction.
Versatile Output Formats

Extract and convert data into xlsx, csv, md, and json formats for seamless integration with your workflow.
Easy Download & Share

Copy or download extracted data in a single click. Share with your team or save it for later.

Utilize the world’s most widely used LLMs


"This is a game-changer for my workflow.
I REALLY NEEDED THIS! There is no more to say."

Master's Student, Korea University

Team Slashy

We make
Slashy Products 🪚

With relentless passion and thought,
we're growing without stopping.

  • Paul Seokhyun Yoon

    Co-Founder / Developer

  • Kyoungpyo Koh

    Co-Founder / Designer

Ready to Revolutionize
Your Data Extraction?

Turn any visual data into actionable insights
with a single click!